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Thoughts about carkit bluetooth
Samsung A727 Case Black Neoprene with Swivel Clip

Price: 9.95
UTStarcom VX6700 Car Charger OEM CLC6700 Audiovox

Price: 15.99
LG Rumor lx260 Car Chargers Set of Two Special

Price: 11.79
Audiovox 8910 Navy Blue Neoprene Case with Swivel Clip

Price: 9.95
Featured carkit bluetooth Items
Pink Bluetooth Style Wired Handsfree Headset Headphones for Pantech Helio Hero Helio Ocean
Pink Bluetooth Style Wired Handsfree Headset Headphones for Pantech Helio Hero Helio Ocean
Navman GPS 4460 Wireless Bluetooth GPS Receiver with SmartST Navigation Software for PalmOS 5.0 Handhelds
Navman GPS 4460 Wireless Bluetooth GPS Receiver with SmartST Navigation Software for PalmOS 5.0 Handhelds
Complete wireless GPS navigation for any Bluetooth enabled PDAs comes complete with the advanced functionality of Navman SmartST software.The NEW NAVMAN GPS 4460 Bluetooth Satellite Receiver with SmartST GPS Mapping Software allows you to navigate from door-to-door across 16 Western European countries. The GPS 4460 enables you to easily plan and track the quickest or shortest route to your destination fully assisted by turn-by-turn voice instructions. You'll also benefit from the latest 3D view maps, the option to program personal addresses as favorite routes and 'Back-On-Track ' functionality which helps you to reach your destination in the event of a diversion or wrong turn.In addition to having the security of reaching your destination, you can also optimize your navigational experience using the GPS 4460's extensive point-of-interest library which includes shopping, entertainment, amenities, food and drink, accommodation, buildings and monuments, medical services and natural attractions.
Customer Review: Excellent receiver, poor software
I purchased this receiver quite a while ago. The receiver itself works great, syncing to my pda phone via bluetooth with no problems. The software itself however never really worked. It was always creating problems. I actually used mapopolis and tomtom software with it and things were great.
Best thing about the device is you can use batteries with it.
Customer Review: Great product with minor problems
This was my first GPS receiver, I was amazed by the accuracy this thing can provide. The reason I bought this is that I'm a long time Palm PDA user and have several Palms. I was using T3 with this unit and this combo is "flawless".
1. The installation is straight forward, it's not simple but I can't say too complex. And with a 256mb SD card, I can load enough maps.
2. There's no actual installation required. The only thing is the suction holder for the Palm T3. I actually left the receiver on the dash board without any mounting and it works great, as long as I don't accelerate harshly.
3. The interface is very friendly, although sometime scary. You can choose two different types of voice prompts. Without looking at the screen, you will be alert of direction change or merge. It's quite scary if you drive along quietly.
4. The most important fact to me, it's cheap. I already got the Palm, so by spending the least possible money, I can get good enough result. This thing actually saved me several times from totally lost in the wild.
Of course this GPS isn't perfect.
1. The complaint is mainly on the Palm T3 for me about the power. The palm can't hold for even 2 hours. The good thing is the palm could be powered by any USB port, so virtually no money you can get a 12v to USB converter and power the palm. But that's only for use in a car, if you take the combo out to the wild, you have to turn the palm off to save power.
2. The GPS takes quite a long time from cold to lock. When you have to turn the palm off to save power, it became very annoying because every time it's from cold to start.
3. The software is kinda hard when you try to input an address.
Overall, I love this thing, I always keep it in the camera bag so when I set out for any trip, I know I won't lost.
Bluetooth HFB-300 Noise Canceling Speakerphone
Bluetooth HFB-300 Noise Canceling Speakerphone
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Claim Number Redacted]
Tue, 25 Mar 2008 22:23:44 -0700
Claim Number Redacted] by Blue tooth car kit And they cut the lighter adapter for my blue tooth car kit off... but left the car kit. WTF?! Never had a problem parking in this area in SF over the last four years... I should have known I wa... Original post: Claim Number Redacted] Tag: Blue tooth car kit
TreoTM 700wx Updater 1.15 for Sprint Customers now available
Fri, 24 Aug 2007 18:50:19 GMT
The Sprint-specific version of last month's Verizon ROM update for the Treo 700w/wx is now available for download .
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